Golden handcuffs - when you are sticking it out, just because it pays so damn well

If your job or career pays so well that everything else pales by comparison, it pretty much locks you down in golden handcuffs. Yes, this is an extremely privileged position, yes, an unsatisfying high paying job is objectively much better than unsatisfying low paying job. It is a first world problem for sure, but it’s still a problem. If your job is not great, but they are similarly or better paying ones out there, then you don’t feel like you need to stay in it....

December 23, 2021 · Justyna

What I spend money on - 3 month review

In this post I will review three months of my spending, January to March 2021. I didn’t have any major expenses during these months such as medical bills, car insurance or home repairs, so I know that I should not be extrapolating the three month average to the whole year. I will not share my earnings in this post, but I have to admit that I am very well paid and I share my expenses with my partner, we have no kids....

May 1, 2021 · Justyna

My reasons to pursue financial independence

I have been generally interested in the idea of passive income and investing for a very long time and I have been saving money since I can remember. But I haven’t really done much investing until 2018, when I stumbled upon Mr Money mustache and ideas of Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE). I got hooked up on the idea and started my FIRE journey. The recipe for FIRE is simple, but it’s not necessarily easy!...

February 28, 2021 · Justyna

What is net worth and how to track it?

I started tracking my net worth at the end of 2018 and since then I updated it about 28 times. It has been very useful to me and in this post I would like to encourage to start doing it too. What is net worth? Net worth can be defined as your assets minus liabilities. Here are some examples of assets: cash stocks house expensive items, e.g. a car, a horse, a boat debts other people have to you And now some examples of liabilities:...

January 30, 2021 · Justyna

How to get your spare room rented (contract template included)

You might be forced to rent one of your spare rooms to be able to afford the mortgage or you might use it to build your financial advantage. Renting a room in Ireland can be a fantastic opportunity to drastically improve your finances, because it offsets your housing costs and provides great tax benefits due to rent a room relief. If you are still on the fence about doing this, you might read more about the benefits of this approach in my previous post....

September 26, 2020 · Justyna

Accelerate your financial independence with renting a room in Ireland

Buying is cheaper than renting Rents in Dublin are quite expensive, especially in South Dublin and close to the city center and they keep increasing. There is a significant difference between what the rents were in 2015 and are now even with the rent control. Renting isn’t necessarily bad - it has its advantages, e.g. you don’t have to worry about the surprise repair costs, you can move easily. But financially in Ireland it’s not the best bet....

August 28, 2020 · Justyna

Investing in Ireland is hard and I care

Investing in Ireland is hard! I’ve been diving into the topics of investments for Irish residents for quite a while and even though I wished that everything was as simple as in USA, there are some good options here in Ireland. The fact that things are harder, doesn’t mean that you should give up. But you need to do your research. I’m starting this blog, because I’ve been struggling and learning for last couple years and I want to share and continue sharing with you what I’m learning....

May 25, 2020 · Justyna